
How I stay CREATIVE; 5 ways to boost creativity that are often forgotten

#1 - Always be learning something new:
Learning something, anything new -- whether it's a recipe, painting technique, sport, or even some type of education. Being in a constant state of learning teaches your brain to accept new information and also helps you expand your world to what is out there. 

#2 - Always be meeting someone new:
Joining different social networks (not to be confused with social media) exposes you to different personalities, different ways of thinking & different lifestyles. Being in a constant state of meeting new people isn't about "getting ahead" or just "networking" it's about learning from others & connecting, so that in the long run, we are able to understand and help others in life & in business. 

#3 - Learn to be free spirited:
One definition of "free-spirited" is being independent and not constrained by convention. One definition of "conventional" is based on or in accordance with what is generally being done or believed. So basically, what we have here is that to be free spirited you must not look for answers to questions based on what the general consensus is. Learning to be free spirited, to me, is vital to being creative. Think for yourself. Learn from your own mistakes. Never put yourself in the box that others put you in. Do not be predictable. 

#4 - Give yourself time & space:
For me, time & space is taking a long shower & meditating on positive thoughts. For me, time & space is deep breathing when I know I'm in over my head. For me, time & space is exploring alone for the sake of the adventure. For me, time & space is being active & intentional in my thoughts. 

#5 - Think backwards:
Nope, that was not a typo :) Thinking backwards from your end goal to where you are now allows you to see the steps so much more clearly. If they say "hindsight is 20/20" then why dont' we start from where we want to be & just look back at the steps it will take to get there. That's one way I find creativity. Keeping the end goal in the forefront of my mind, rather than the problem in front of me. 

What are your favorite ways to stay creative? Comment below or email info@littlemisscreativestudio.com to share your insight! 

Hope you enjoyed! XO - Fantasia 

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