
From file life rehaul to file life rehab.

The past few weeks I've been getting down and dirty with file maintenance. Ohhhh, yeah, some crazy intense life, right? But really, it kind of is.

Since I can remember, I've been collecting imagery that inspires me, creating new imagery, collecting music that inspires me, collecting video that inspires me, and the list goes on. Over time, this is forming a huge mountain or volcano of file maintenance that is way overdue to erupt. Not quite sure how I haven't gone mad just dealing with it all up until this point. Much like filling up your pantry with random caboodlez of this and quadruplets of that, you begin to get to a place where you can't find the diddlyscratcher... for lack of better words. 

Know what I mean? Stay with me here. In the past few years, I've gradually gotten more serious about studying photography and taking huge risks like A) Actually getting paid to photograph things/people. and B) Actually realizing there was a maaaaajor learning curve to get from where I was to where I am now to where I want to be in 3 years. During photo sessions I take a LOT of photos. Way, way, too many at times. Why? Because I want to get it perfect and sometimes the confidence to just take one photo of one thing isn't quite there yet, so instead I take 20! 

These (previously jpg before I new better just a year and a half ago) now RAW files are 5+ mb a piece annnnnnnnd are a major black hole in my computer's hard drive. So, now, I'm beginning to finally archive my photography and design into yearly hard drives that make sense. Does better late than never apply in this scenario? No more black hole attacks on my harddrive. Hopefully the thing can actually run like the boss it should be. 

It's taken a few weeks to get the ball rolling on transfering 100's of folders into very detailed and organized 2/4 tb harddrives. What's even more exhilarating is the idea of finally deleting the old "outtake" photos which for some reason I've been ignoring this whole time as if they didn't exist. 

What's worse? It's such a huge part of my life that I'm blogging about it. 

Peace & file maintenance be with you, 

1 comment:

Tasia said...

Back at you! :D (but even bigger)