The very first call they made with me, BOTH Luke and Tarran were on speakerphone to say hello and just ask a few questions about their ideal wedding day photography. This was a GREAT sign.
It's a very rare thing that the couple teams up and chooses vendors together for their wedding, and it's something that I highly recommend as a fun bonding experience. The two were full of humor, lightheartedness, and confidence in their vision for the mood of their day. I knew right off the bat, I wanted to work with this couple!!!
Their entire wedding experience was one that I would like to emulate with future brides/grooms to come. They allowed me the opportunity to take full creative reign with their ideas to tell their engagement story and their full wedding day from start to finish, and by start I mean 7:30 A.M. start.
Luke had entered himself & his groomsmen & friends into the national Tough Mudder obstacle course competition in Milton, FL, the morning of the wedding starting at 7:30 A.M. Talk about crazy... aaaaaaaand I was 100% on board to attend and photograph it as part of their wedding story!
As the day began, I was entered into Tough Mudder too as a spectator with the group and immediately got the opportunity to meet the gang, cheer them on, and photograph their event, all while running with too much, might I add, camera gear (1 camera, 4 lenses, 5 batteries, 5 camera cards, 14 AA's and 2 Canon flashes). Boy, did I learn my lesson there... BUT the thrill of the competition and cheering on the team kept me going. Everyone was in the best spirits and I fell in love with their fun-loving group right from the start. We'll share those photos in a separate post. They deserve the glory!
Fast forward a few hours, and the ceremony begins... Tarran walks down the aisle with her mother, overjoyed, giddy, and love filling her eyes. One of the most important shots to Tarran was a photograph of Luke watching her walk down the aisle. Luke's smile seemed to last a lifetime until the moment Tarran arrived by his side at the aisle. She said... "I do."
The sunset began during our formal photographs & lit the softest skies.
Their reception was held at their beachhouse nearby and was lit with string lights, beautiful smiles, and a band with the most wild-dancing lead singer around.
Between the events, the laughter never stopped. I have a feeling it's still going with their friends, family, and their new life together. Congrats to one of the most epic, kind-hearted couples I've ever had the privilege to photograph, Luke & Tarran.
~ Your photographer,

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